Thursday, November 20, 2008

Court Drawings.....

Lately, I've been drawing with pastels on the tennis courts by my apartment....something to leave for the kids. Beautify the place a little. Brighten it up ya know? It washes away easily.....but for some reason it makes me happy to get out of the house and lost in my coloring...

I have been working hard to continue the good progress I've made with my agorophobia. I've done some driving the past few days as well, since Trink injured her ankle. I'm happy about it and think I can hold onto the feeling of accomplishment!


Peace ya'll!


Me. Here. Right now. said...

Yay! Sounds like great progress. There is a cool thing we do here in Sac every year call Chalk it might find some inspiration there

frannie said...

Sweet!!! Thanks so much Lori!! You rock!! Always such sweet encouragment from you! I can't tell you how much it means... {muah}