Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Missing myself

So I have been out of it for a while now. Can't seem to find my Mojo or my Muse and I am frustrated.

My grandmother passed away on Sept 6th after a major stroke. It took her a week to drown because her pacemaker wouldn't shut off and she had a DNR. It was disturbing and horrifying.
I miss her.

We drove to Arkansas with my uncle to be with my mother who had been taking care of her for the past 9 years. I'm glad we went..... but.... I dunno. I haven't really cried. Should I be worried?

This weekend we are going out for my best friends 40th birthday. I am looking forward to seeing her, but am not sure I am looking forward to the crowds and such at The Cheescake Factory. I gotta get over it I suppose.
I'm probably just PMSing.

I want to paint or draw or write and I can't because of my hand and shoulder. Stupid pinched nerves.....
Hope you all are well. If you are still around.... here's a little something funny.

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